In 2002 during the administration of the municipal mayor, Mr. Mario Diaz, from the secretary of culture and education by
Observed local teacher, work inside the workshop after the conference finished, I invite you to visit a brick kiln in the rural village of town Espil, establishment of Mr. Gustavo Jonte.
This visit also included Victor Garay teacher (Disciple of Moreyra who participated in the works in Azcuenaga and Cucullu, who unfortunately died a few months) and Karina Capitini artisan and teacher.
the visit to the oven, Moreyra accept the proposal to carry forward a project linked to life in the brick oven and tried other traditional techniques of production.
The order sought was to pay tribute to workers in the oven, add value to the product and stage magic that exists between human hands and adobe.
Time passes and analyzing our territory we could visualize and diagnose the area where the brick industry was dominated town of Cucullu, which is why you start to move towards the consolidation of this project.
attempts are made to develop the same presenting to a group of people from the building society in 2004, but no progress was made due to lack of good communication and purely economic issues.
Before starting the project in Cucullu, raised another proposal linked to the adobe and Professor Moreyra with Cristina Terzaghi (monumental art specialist) made in Azcuenaga (another rural town in the game) 4 April 2004, the first Latin American mural made of adobe and wood stoves and pre-Columbian techniques using color, this work was funded by the people and the current municipal administration of Dr. Luis A Ghionne.
Since 2005, promoted by the municipal secretary for human development and social action by Dr. Cynthia Ghione, presented the project is specified in the ministry of human development in the province of Buenos Aires, is created The first workshop Photography provincial towns and rural landscapes by Professor Diego Arranz, which aims at teaching photography to children with parental involvement and family.
also involved with financing the project, the school board.
Among the schools selected by the inspection area, is favored school No. 5 Enrique de Larrañaga Cucullu the town, on the operational epicenter brick oven and the school of rural landscape Tuyuttí.
still spending time and arrived in 2006, the year of our bicentennial.
At that time, from the production and tourism secretary presented the proposal again Cucullu community, but it was elevated to all intermediary bodies of the people.
Without the support and commitment from them and the families basically bakers would have been impossible to carry out this project
From start to arrive this year small numbers of tourists and create brand Tourist "Cucullu rural village potter" with the intention of working as a central theme of local and sustainable development, besides putting it on stage once a year with the feast of baker.
The brick oven had become a major cultural attraction, storing up a huge and strong littoral culture.
also in parallel in the year 2006 from the secretary of social action, establishing the first Aboriginal pottery by Professor Karina Capitini.
already consolidated these objectives, the teacher Moreira consultation to find out who wanted to represent from the adobe.
tribute Your decision and went to brick kiln workers. Raise your project to the municipal mayor to perform with a group of students of fine arts in the city of silver sculpture which he calls "the brick" appointment in the town square.
There were other proposals to be developed from adobe, surely over time, developed together with the whole community.
been 2 years and people Cucullu is proud to showcase their culture and identity to the visitor.
people who believed in this project from the beginning and after a year many people have joined.
The first tours of the town began in 2004, serving as teacher guides the Rossi Silvia Village.
who from the first day we opened the doors selflessly of their establishment for a visit and tour, Guillermo Ramirez.
The Feast of the baker, who in 2007 reached its second edition, is a project that not only tends to stage the magic that exists in the hands of man, the mud and fire, but it there are other actors such as INTA, convened in 2006 to improve the land from its quality and landscape after extracting it.
Another of the actors is the University of Salvador, represented by student of the career of "environmental sciences" Peace Mazzola, who has been visiting and studying the town and its hinterland since 2005.
submit his university thesis that soon will be elevated to the municipal mayor to share with the people of Cucullu and provide their input to improve the quality of life for all villagers and especially the families bakers .
invite you to continue to discover the magic that exists between the clay, the hands of man and fire.
Architect Jose Maria Yanez.
Advisory tourism and rural towns and tourism production secretary.
Municipality of San Andrés de Giles. Tourism brand: "City, towns and places."
Tourism is for us one of the tools to achieve local and sustainable development of small rural villages.
The cornerstones of this project are education at all levels and intermediary bodies of the people.
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