Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Can You Be Pregnant And Have A Low Hard Cervix

This year my menu is extensive, as every year (if you fall, fall), but charged supplements, it is not a good year to bring me clothes ...

These are just some of the little things I've asked the chubby, some things are precisely what I want, but others are just ideas of things I like to also bring surprises under the tree (I do not like to know all gifts, the little surprise encantann me!)

"Dear Santa Claus, and this year I was bueníííísima, you get me if you like a fiddle. I give you some clues to make it easier. I want very much for your child. A kiss "

This purse I loved it from the start of the season, I hope it falls, the truth (now lowered!), but I like gray or raw! (To write it in red)

A brown boots, I make a foul!
A beautiful set of makeup (they have at Sephora, eh?? Heh, heh, heh), these things always make me really happy, but I never give them away .......... .. ;)

A beautiful bag, I like taaaaaaantos! I already awarded to Mother Christmas (always good to Pistillo, no?)

A supplement that I want.
on shoes I never!

And you have done and the letter for Christmas?
bring everything I have asked?
That is what I would do more enthusiasm that I bring?


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