Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why Is My Cervix Discolored

Incredible is the word that best defines the time we are taking for a couple of days in Malaga. An average of 24-25 degrees during daylight hours. Too many coats, socks, stockings and long sleeves, especially in this heat unless the desire to enjoy it ...

vest: Zendra
Shirt: Stradivarius
jeans: Mango
shoes: Lodi
bag: Mango
Although not stick nothing at this temperature the lardy, nougat ... ie, Christmas itself, I promise to do pics of how beautiful my city is put on these parties and mostraroslas.
thousand kisses to everyone s and even the risk of sounding repetitive I want to thank you for your views and comments my blog, make me very happy: MERCI!


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