Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Have Varicose Veins At 39


Almost all the black is my bet on this occasion, and I say almost all because I think I have commented on occasion that this is the color you see me 5 days a week mandatory because this is my uniform, so that when Saturday comes at 2 and work try to reset the black color is not the full outfit I choose to exit.

Long ago, the prevailing color my dressing was just black, but gradually learned to introduce different colors in my shop and discover other tones favored me.

boots: Mustang

bag: Mango

dress: Zara

jacket: Young Formula

glasses: Ray-Ban

scarf: gift from a magazine fashion a couple of months (can not remember which was)

What is the predominant color in your closet?

Kisses and good start to the week.


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