Saturday, March 26, 2011

How To Find Old Immunization Records For Ontario

Lot nivea & awards

Hello love, how are you today? In my turn to go eat there with my father but in the morning I'll get some work:). Yesterday I did some work but there are always things to do are endless ¬ ¬ jaja also helped my mother with household chores and took some pictures: D, and I will be teaching little by little.

And I loved you yesterday I bring forth ideas on what to do with clothing that suits me, as I said is clothes that have hardly used and now I can not use it because I come large and not worth sending them to the draining, so I'll probably another blog with photos, perhaps you might be interested in something because there are even some that I have not released: S, yes I will put the reasons, carvings, measures .. and say things in case anyone is interested in gossip:)

Today I wanted to teach the lot I finally reached the snowy , and many will see on different blogs debisteis ! petite illusion made me welcome: D and I thought I would. This is the batch Nivea Visage Vital is for mature so the day cream and eye contour will use my mother and for me cleansing milk and tonic, "do not think anything will happen no? even for mature skin that I do not think disaster lol, I'll try it anyway and if I notice is the weird things I will also my mother:)

- Day cream with sunscreen reestructurante
12 - Cream Eye and Lip Contour
- Hydrating Cleansing Milk
- Revitalizing Toner

And today I come with more awards, this short week have given me a lot thank you
: D
have given it to me:
- Street trends 's blog
- The vintage dreams the blog

you have given me :

This he did on another occasion the tag but I loved that you have thought of me, thank you!

This award is the first time you get is a little sketch ^ ^ cucada the called "Your blogosito is the most tender" :). I passed it the blog Dahiana really liked me!
As this is new too I will pass it on to 5 bloggers: D:
- * * the blog Iru : I love your blog I never tire of saying that I have loved to have known her blog:), besides being very variadito last few reviews that I love and it is wonderful.
- Nisa's blog , this girl is super tender is deserves this award, I love your blog also very varied.
- the blog Anieblu , loving girl and she is also very young is clearly seen in his blog) that puts the outfits are beautiful there are many very inspiring, I really like combining items.
- the blog Suky is another charm that I can point out:) is a beautiful person and your blog is great, if you pass you the last post he has is very interesting and is very worked food is about to be consumed by the body area you want to lose volume . Now begins the warmth you are encouraging many to put you hottie, you sure like your post!
- Esme's Blog this girl is the sweetest! it shows that you love your blog and everything related to the makeup:)

I passed it: Esme's Blog

is grant it to:
- the blog Sonolila , is another baby girl: D has some very good reviews:)
- the blog Syria I love the challenges we now propose is a beautiful place: D and see if you urge to join ^ ^, plus she is very loving and super nice!
- Flower Tojo's blog has a very good blog is a shame not to update more: P, I loved the post he made of silicone is well explained previously made another detailing what products are no silicones: D I'm thinking sign up in order to have healthy hair:)
- Meri's blog your blog I really like, is fashionable and very good posts are very inspiring: P well she's a very kind girl, I'm sure you will like her blog!
- Three lolitas the blog / your blog is very inspiring always has great ideas for accessories or beauty.

Iru * * The blog has given me this award, thank you very much beautiful! She has passed 3 bloggers so I will do the same.

I pass to:
- The girl's blog http:/ / , makes very little she has started her blog, is varied and very well, encourage her to continue so hard: D
- the blog Raisitas has some very interesting posts that we can come in handy for personal care, I love the way he explains everything ^ ^
- Gaby's blog is a fantastic and beautiful girl has a precious outfits sure you will like a lot, has an impeccable style and always surprises me:)

morning to a fuchsia pants outfit with fluorine : D, a kiss too and enjoy great Sunday:)


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