Tuesday, March 1, 2011

White Substance In Poop


Last night we had our national mourning styles in the delivery of the TP de Oro and although Sara Carbonero No donut, dramatic entrance wearing a look of Gucci total.
Patricia Conde But not far behind with an incredible Balmain dress and Louboutin shoes.
I personally impacted me more than Sarah, but I have a weakness for the style of this girl (aside from how thin they look lately) but vosotr @ s , Which do you stay?
And now with an award that I have out there and I am very grateful because I love knowing that you think of me at the time of grant them.
The first is what I have to thank Fabiola http://www.ilmiopiccolocapricciobyfabiola.blogspot.com/ (has some amazing bags)
The second prize goes to thank my favorite sisters in the blogosphere blog http://www.tiendaruta66.blogspot.com/ And the third, fourth and fifth prize of the day I owe to http://www.miestilodiaadia.blogspot.com/ whom I thank for this and for sharing with WE ARE s elegant style.

and passed these 5 prizes:
And I want to dedicate a tod @ s the anonymous comments from fans who have no blog, because I want to thank you for taking the time to your time on growing my blog.


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